// modicare team building and income planning program // program will work only till 21 mouths input not more than that #include <stdio.h> long long int main() { int i,a= 1 ,b= 1 ,team,m,to,bv,in; printf( "enter of mouth" ); scanf( "%d" ,&m); //reading number of mouths for double //using for loop you will calculate per mouths team member count for (i= 1 ;i<m;i++) { team=a+b; printf( "mouth no.%d. %d+%d=%d team \n" ,i,a,b,team); a=team; b=team; } // in loop you are each mouth team // calculating the turnover of your own team to=team* 2000 ; printf( "turnover=%d\n" ,to); // total bv calculating bv=to/ 2 ; printf( "...